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The Ethereal Octopus
Hawaiian Name: He’e
Hawaiian Archipelago
Octopi are quite intelligent, they have great memory and problem solving abilities.
It is of interest to know that Octopi:
- Swim backwards by jet propulsion, taking water into their mantle cavity and ejecting it through the funnel near the mouth.
- Are capable of oozing through cracks a fraction of an inch wide.
- When frightened can eject a blob of ink which is used as a smokescreen.
- Can change color when necessary.
- Have eight sucker-lined arms and a beak like a parrot.
- Feed mostly on crabs and mollusks, they may at times also eat fish.
- Are seen mostly in the early morning and late afternoon from sallow water to depths of 150 feet or more.
They have been described as ethereal and, at the same time, elaborate, elegant and slightly mischievous.
© 2005 Victoria McCormick
Shopping Options:
Sizes available:
- 8x10 Faux Matted print. $28.
- 11x14 Faux matted print. $38.
- 8x12 Mini Canvas Gallery Wrap. $185.
- 11x18 Watercolor print in a 18x24 presentation Mat. $195.
- 20x30 Canvas or Watercolor Print $1,284.
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Canvas and Watercolor Prints available in custom sizes - See ordering page for more information.
- Metal Prints also available - See ordering page for more information.