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Ah To Be Caressed
Laysan Albatross
Hawaiian Name: Moli
Such a simple pleasure most desire. Just part of the avian passion of the Laysan Albatross. They are known as the most massive birds in the North Pacific with a body length of 32 inches and a wing span of 80 inches. Their courtship dance will warm your heart while putting a grin on your face. The many steps of the albatross dance include fencing with their bills, shaking their heads from side to side while loudly snapping their beaks and tucking their heads under a lifted wing. All the while these motions are mixed with a lot of whinnies and squeals along with bowing and nodding in symmetry. These characters are a delight as they stand on their tip toes with beaks up-cast while groaning in the final climax of their dance. Albatross usually first mate between 7 to 9 years old. When they pick a mate it will be for life.
© 1996 Victoria McCormick
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Sizes available:
- 8x10 Faux Matted print. $28.
- 11x14 Faux matted print. $38.
- 8x12 Mini Canvas Gallery Wrap. $185.
- 11x18 Luster print in a 18x24 presentation Mat. $195.
- 20x30 Canvas or Watercolor Print $1,284.
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- Metal Prints also available - See ordering page for more information.